Underground Power & Cable

Comcast – Cable and Internet

Enhancing Internet Reliability in Southwest Florida

Comcast is excited to announce the launch of “Operation Underground,” a significant infrastructure improvement project taking place in West Palm Beach, South, and Southwest Florida, including San Carlos Park.

What is Operation Underground? Operation Underground aims to enhance Comcast’s fiber optic network by transitioning aerial lines to underground. This shift provides better protection and stability, reducing the risk of weather-related outages and offering a more reliable Internet experience for residents.

Why Move Fiber Lines Underground? The Sunshine State has seen increased efforts to move utility and telecommunications lines underground for added resilience. Following Florida Power & Light’s Storm Secure Underground Program, Comcast is undertaking similar measures to protect its infrastructure and improve service reliability.

What to Expect:

  • Construction: You’ll notice some construction in your area as crews work to install underground lines using directional bore machines.
  • Property Access: Comcast crews may need access to your property’s easement, which could be in your front or backyard. They will notify you in advance before accessing these areas.
  • Community Impact: Whether you’re a Comcast Business or Xfinity customer, this project will benefit everyone in the selected communities by reducing visible lines and enhancing network stability.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Will anyone need to enter my home? No, all construction work will occur outside, though it may include replacing the line connecting your business or home.

Will Comcast be installing equipment on my property? New equipment, if necessary, will be installed within the designated utility easement.

How will this change my services? This project aims to enhance the network’s reliability and stability without changing any of the services you currently subscribe to with Xfinity or Comcast Business.

FPL – Power

Enhancing Power Reliability in San Carlos Park: The Storm Secure Underground Program

The Storm Secure Underground Program (SSUP) is enhancing the resiliency of our grid and the reliability of the services FPL delivers to San Carlos Park residents. By replacing overhead neighborhood power lines with more reliable underground lines, FPL is working to avoid the leading cause of power outages – trees and vegetation coming into contact with overhead lines.

Benefits of Underground Power Lines:

Since the program’s inception, FPL significantly improved service reliability for thousands of households. FPL is excited to continue bringing the benefits of underground power lines to many more customers across Florida, including San Carlos Park.

  • Performance During Hurricanes: Underground power lines demonstrated their superiority during recent hurricanes. They performed roughly six times better than overhead lines during Hurricane Ian in Southwest Florida and about 12 times better during Hurricane Idalia.
  • Daily Reliability: On a day-to-day basis, underground lines perform more than 50% better than their overhead counterparts.

As FPL continues to implement the Storm Secure Underground Program, residents of San Carlos Park can look forward to a more resilient and reliable power grid.